Wednesday, February 17, 2010

HBC 2010 Canada Olympic Gear Craze!

So I loved the HBC 2010 Olympic Gear when I saw it unveiled awhile back but never in my wildest dreams thought that it would sell out all over the country! I was passing the Olympic superstore on West Georgia in Vancouver the other day and could not believe the lineup down the block just to get into the Olympic section of the bay! It was sheer chaos but surprisingly the line that stretched over 2 blocks (which would in Toronto outside a nightclub would equate to: go home, you're not getting in) went by a lot faster than anticipated.

They let in 50 people at a time and have some ultra efficient tellers because once you actually find what you want, you have to line up yet again to pay! I went to the store to try to get either a childrens XL or a ladies small red Canada hoodie. The biggest size they had in the store was a children's 7/8. I may be small but I am definitely not that small!

In the end I had to settle for a boys 10/12 jacket which I am totally in love with. It looks just like the one in the pic depicted below except perhaps not as long in the torso since it is cut for boys but it fits me well since I am short anyway.

Because my jacket is children's gear I did not have to pay PST which was an added bonus. So needless to say it was a successful trip to the Olympic superstore and I walked away from it relatively happy considering the 2 hour drive and 200 person lineup. The next day though one my best friend's called from Toronto asking if I could get my hands on a set of those apparently elusive in Ontario Red mittens! Fortunately I was able to get her a pair for her birthday before they sold out here as well. Yippee!
The vibe in Vancouver right now is so proud to be Canadian! I absolutely love it and drink in it's energy every night. I can't wait to head down there tonight sporting my jacket and mittens and mingling in with the crowd!
On a side note, yesterday Maelle Ricker, who currently lives in Squamish was the first Canadian female to win gold on home soil in the Women's Snowboard Cross. GO CANADA GO!!!

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